Packaging Specs

Dried Carton - 1.8 Cubic Ft.
17.5” H x 12.5” W x 14.5” D
Peel Cuts:
Powders (-40)
Fine Cut (-16+40)
Tea Bag Cut (-14+60)
Medium Granules (-8+16)

Dried Carton - 2 Cubic Ft.
19.5” H x 12.5” W x 14” D
Peel Cuts:
Standard Granules (-10+40)

Dried Carton - 4 Cubic Ft.
22” H x 16.25”W x 19” D
Peel Cuts:
Large Granules (-4+8)
Shreds (3/16")
Diced (1/4" & 3/8")
Ribbons (3/4")

Dried Pallet - 32 Carton
62.5” H x 48” W x 40” L
4 Tiers of 8 Cartons - 69 Cubic Ft.
Peel Cuts:
Powders (-40)
Fine Cut (-16+40)
Tea Bag Cut (-14+60)
Standard Granule (-10+40)
Medium Granules (-8+16)

Dried Pallet - 28 Carton
61” H x 48” W x 40” L
4 Tiers of 7 Carton - 68 Cubic Ft.
Peel Cuts:
All Premium Peels

Dried Pallet - 20 Cartons
80” H x 48” W x 40” L
4 Tiers of 5 Cartons - 89 Cubic Feet
Peel Cuts:
Large Granules (-4+8)
Shreds (3/16")
Diced (1/4" & 3/8")
Ribbons (3/4")

Round Pail Pallet - 36 Pails
Pail: 15 3/4" H x 11 7/8" Diameter
Pallet: 50” H x 48” W x 40” L
3 Tiers of 12 pails - 55.4 Cubic Ft.
Peels, Purees, & Juices